The Power of Friendship
Recently I experienced a special day. I got to drive an hour away to a nearby city to visit an old friend. She has had a tough year and I wanted to spend some unrushed, quality time with her to encourage her and love on her. We enjoyed our day together, relaxing and catching up. We shared a day at the beach — which we both adore — and rested, soaking up God’s beauty and enjoying our time together. At the end of the day when I drove back home, I reflected upon how much my dear friend encouraged me when my heartfelt intent was to encourage her. Isn’t that the crazy mystery and power of friendship?
It is in these special times with friends that we are rejuvenated, our spirits are rekindled. Our hearts begin to soar. It is humbling to know that our long-held friends knew us many years before we became the people we are today. They know our previous insecurities, fears and doubts. They know our warts and worse mistakes….and yet they choose to love us anyway. They can more easily grasp why we struggle with what we do today based upon our history. And we understand the same about them. What a blessing!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 shares, ”Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor; If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Friendship is a powerful force in the world. Friendship bolsters, it instills love and hope, it is what gives people confidence and trust to stand on their own, knowing their friends are along the sidelines praying for them and cheering them along.
I am grateful for my many friends — old and new – throughout the years. Friends are one of life’s greatest blessings. My friends have consistently and lovingly been there to pick me up when I fall. They have been the voice I needed to hear and the arms I needed to hug. They have brought deep laughter and spirited joy to my life.
I pray that everyone will have the friends they need to provide the loving grace of God. As He works through all of us, God’s voice will console, and His words will give life. Thanks be to God for the balm and power of friendship. May we all become the friend we need to be to others.