Stress Knots
Have you ever received a deep tissue massage for sore muscles? It’s incredibly therapeutic. I recently experienced repeated back pain, thinking perhaps I had pulled a few muscles. A massage seemed like a good idea to bring relief from the soreness and maybe work out a few tight spots. Wow. Was I in for a surprise. No one told me that in order to get pain relief, I would have to experience some new pain! The therapist’s hands worked my muscles so hard that I wanted to scream! She seemed to delight when my body drew up and tightened—she would say “Another stress knot—let’s work that out!”
After I survived the massage, I reflected upon the experience. Although the process itself was no fun; in fact—it was downright grueling—I actually felt better. A lot better. Where my muscles had been like tight knots deeply embedded under my skin, they were now relaxed. Where spasms had previously danced, there was now a welcome stillness. I had a strong sense that my muscles were now able to do what they were intended to do—provide strength, flexibility and energy to engage in my active, busy life.
I believe my spiritual muscles may also experience occasional stress knots. When I allow the frustrations and irritations that creep up in daily life to eat away at me, a tightening begins. When I allow a busy schedule to drive what is most important rather than listen to my heart, they wince. When I choose to ignore a disagreement with a loved one, they flare up in pain.
Just as well-conditioned athletes know that it is wise to gently stretch muscles before a workout, I now understand that I must tend to my spiritual muscles. This is a necessary step so that they can provide the strength, courage and confidence I need to live the kind of life that makes God smile and brings me peace.
The disciplines I cannot ignore that keep my spiritual muscles in good shape include reflecting upon my life, meditating on God’s goodness, listening for His voice in prayer, contemplating His wisdom in Scripture and cultivating heartfelt gratitude for His blessings. These exercises never fail to provide the inner solitude and tranquility I need to face each day with a positive purpose.
A beautiful promise of Scripture comes from Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.” I have learned that all my half-hearted attempts to experience God and His presence just create spiritual stress knots for me. I get tangled up with hurt and pain and it is hard to keep my eyes on Him. But, when I invest the time needed to seek Him in all things, I know the joy and comfort of resting in the Lord. My heart is relaxed and my soul is still.