Step By Step


In recuperating from a broken foot, I have learned a lot about the process of healing. First, all injuries and individuals are unique, so no two experiences of recuperation are alike. Six days after I broke my foot, my daughter Laura broke her ankle. We often compared our situations, yet we discovered that even though the foot and the ankle are similar, healing them when broken varies significantly. We quickly learned a valuable lesson: Comparison to another person’s situation gets you nowhere.

Once I got released from wearing my walking cast, I fully expected to suddenly walk as I always had my entire life prior to my injury. That was not to be. It was crushing to discover that my feet did not “remember” the proper way to walk in sync with one another. After much physical therapy, I learned that my brain and my feet were not connecting like they used to. I had to literally learn to walk step by step again, and consciously repeat in my mind “Heel, toe; heel, toe; heel, toe.”  I learned an important lesson: Don’t make assumptions about how healing will occur.

I believe there are many parallels between physical healing and our spiritual life.

Galatians 6 encourages us, “Each one should test their own actions…without comparing themselves to someone else. for each one should carry their own load.”  Each of us is responsible for our own relationship with God. Comparing is futile. It is wise to stay in our own lane. God works in your life differently than He does in mine. The ways in which I relate to Him are different than the ways you do.

Proverbs 16:9 teaches, “A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”  To make assumptions about how God will work out His will in my life is unproductive–His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts.  He will be the one to direct my steps, in the manner He knows is best.

Trust him. He will lead and guide you step by step.


The Eyes Of Your Heart
