The older I get, the harder it is to remember specific things in my daily life. Often, I am either looking for my car keys or my glasses. Should I be concerned? Maybe, or maybe not, but I guess I often chalk it up to “I’m getting older” and I just move forward.
I have come to accept that there are certain things which are worth remembering, and other things that are not. I choose to concentrate on the areas which are significant to remember, and that have a lasting impact. Other issues or aspects just don’t seem to matter as much to me.
What did I eat for breakfast yesterday? Does it really matter? Probably not. So, if I cannot remember, there are no consequences. But if I am asked “Kim, how is God working in your life?” then I really want to remember. Because recognizing God’s hand in my daily activities is paramount. It demonstrates to others that He is active and involved in the details of my life, and when He accomplishes great things in my life, it is worthy to be commemorated.
In Psalms 111:4, the writer exclaims, “He has caused His wonderful works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful.” The handiwork of God in our daily lives is something worthy to be remembered – it reminds us that He is always present with us, and He wants to accomplish great things in our lives. That is a message that I want to pass down to the generations of my family.
I love to journal each morning, and it is a great vehicle to look back upon over days, months, and years, to see God’s hand active and present in my daily life. He has helped me survive some incredibly challenging situations. He has spoken to me, encouraged me, and placed His hand upon situations to bring good out of confusion, chaos, and calamity.
I long to forever praise God for his abundant goodness and the active role He plays in my life. As I grow older with Him, His work continues to bring glory to the Father and shines light in my path to guide my way.
When it comes to God’s hand in your life, I encourage you to remember, remember, remember. Share with others His wondrous works.