Timing is Everything


Have you ever had a good idea and you wanted to share it immediately with someone who could either grasp your enthusiasm, or help bring the idea to fruition? I have. And often, in my haste of grabbing the phone and placing the phone call, I have been left in a state of disappointment and frustration.

Have you ever launched a plan to achieve something without doing the proper advance research or planning, and then wonder why the results were simply mediocre? I have.  When I do, regrets abound.

When I reflect upon these examples in my life, I am humbled to realize that timing is everything. King Soloman, known as the wisest monarch in Israel’s history, proclaimed in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”  He then goes on to cite fourteen specific illustrations that drive this wisdom home.

I have discovered that when I am willing to wait, and have chosen to pause, rather than invoke knee-jerk reactions, I gain the rich gifts of contemplation, exploration, and prayer. When I seek God’s guidance, and His direction, to ascertain the perfect timing for each situation, the results are stronger and more positive. Praise God that His timing is indeed perfect.


The Eyes Of Your Heart