A Heart Test


I love the Bible’s Book of Proverbs written by King Solomon, who was known in Biblical days as “the wisest man in the world.”  What is unique about Proverbs is how so much wisdom is condensed down into a simple phrase or sentence.  Often figuring out the meaning held within one proverb is more challenging than analyzing whole chapters in other Biblical books.

One of my favorite verses in the Book of Proverbs speaks to me profoundly—it is found in Proverbs 4:23: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

When you think about your heart, what comes to mind?  From the physical point of view, the heart pumps blood and keeps it flowing and circulating so that we can maintain life.  From the spiritual point of view, I believe the heart represents the “inner core” of a person.  This is composed of thoughts, feelings, desires, will and choices that help define who we are deep inside.

Just as there are many disorders that can affect the physical heart, there are many ailments of the spiritual heart that can impair growth and development as a believer.  Consider the following examples which may shed light on why King Solomon encourages us to guard our heart.

Hardening of the Arteries occurs due to accumulated cholesterol plaques and scarring in the artery walls. Hardening of the spiritual heart occurs when we become entangled with a rebellious spirit. When we become stubborn, demanding that our way is better than God’s way, our spiritual heart grows harder and harder.  We begin to block God out, rather than welcoming Him in.

Heart Murmurs are abnormal flow patterns due to faulty heart valves. Spiritual heart murmurs are when we engage in whining, ingratitude, turmoil, and disagreements.  When we become focused on complaining, we shift our attention away from the plans, purposes, and potential blessings of God to the things of the world.  As my sweet mother used to say “We major in the minors” rather than placing our eyes on the things that are above.  Complaining only produces negative energy and a downward spiral, which robs us of our heart’s contentment.

Congestive Heart Failure is an inability of the heart to successfully pump blood through the body due to weaknesses within its walls.  The spiritual equivalents are anger, giving in to temptation and pride.  Anger acts like a poison, infiltrating our heart which is designed for peace, not heartache. Giving in to temptation weakens our heart, and pride is a preoccupation of self which begins to tear away the walls of our heart which is designed to flow with compassion and love for others.

As the Proverb states, everything we do flows from the heart.  What I think this means is that our words and actions are just the outward manifestation of what is happening within our heart.  If we are feeling resentment, then we may act defensive.  If we are pondering the goodness of God, we may reach out to be light to those around us.

We need to guard our heart so that it can continue to be the positive, loving center of our being.  We need to protect our heart so that negative influences don’t permeate its walls.  The best way I know to do this is by delving into God’s Word.  It is a great way to get filled to the brim with the bounty of God and His grace.


Tiny Faith


A Clean Heart